Book Review: The Helm of Midnight by Marina Lostetter

Banner Image featuring cover of The Helm of Midnight by Marina Lostetter superimposed over slightly bloomed zoomed in mage of same cover. Text reads "Book Review" and "Off The TBR"

The Helm of Midnight is a dark, suspenseful, fantasy thriller. Ambitious world building, a multi-faceted magic system, and an exploration of the connected themes of morality, trauma, and family do the heavy lifting in this jack the ripper style mystery investigation.

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What I’m Reading: The Helm of Midnight

Banner image featuring cover of The Helm of Midnight superimposed over zoomed in image of same cover. Text reads "What I'm Reading" and "Off The TBR."

My next read is one I was approved for on NetGalley. I’ve actually got three more NetGalley reads to finish between now and mid-May. I’m slowly inching my way toward getting that badge for reviewing ten books on the platform. This will be book number seven I think.

Anyway you don’t care about that, you care about what it is that I’m reading. Well…it’s The Helm of Midnight by Marina Lostetter.

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Book Review: Kings of Paradise

Blog Post Banner: Cover of Kings of Paradise superimposed over zoomed in and blurred portion of same cover. Text says "Book Review" and "Off The TBR."

Kings of Paradise was my first read of the new year, and it set the bar high for everything to come after. I can’t tell you just how much I enjoyed this book. This is dark, epic, and intimate fantasy that will linger with you for a while. It will give you thrills and make you shudder; it will pose questions and make you ponder them.

This is self-published fantasy at some of it’s best. I just wish I’d read it sooner…

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Book Review: Vultures

Banner pic for Vultures gook tour with cover image and reading "Luke Tarzian, Vultures, Book Tour Feb 7th - 13th.

Today I bring you an encore performance of the Vultures tour hosted by Storytellers On Tour! That’s right…the band had left the stage but you stuck around hoping there might be more. And your devotion paid off because today I give you one last review from this epic tour.

Ok…in reality this is a non-sanctioned encore performance because I got behind on my review due to work and an ice storm and then I got sickly, and I couldn’t get it posted on my scheduled date. But I promised everyone involved I would get it done as soon as I could and here it is. After reading the review please be sure to scroll down for more information about Luke Tarzian and where you can find the book and a giveaway. And though the tour is already over be sure to check the tour schedule for other reviewer sites to read what they had to say. The giveaway is U.S. only of two paperback copies of Vultures that as of the time of my post still has a few hours left in it, so be sure to enter for a chance to win.

Now, on with the show…

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What I’m Reading: Kings of Paradise

It’s time for my first read of the new year! One thing I love about this time of year is the feeling that everything is new and you can start fresh. When it comes to reading this feeling is like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I can start my Goodreads Challenge over, and I’ve got a clean reading slate.

Sort of.

Until I remember all the books on my TBR and the ARCS I’ve committed to reading. Which brings me back to this first read of the year…

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Book Review: Blood of Heirs


You know that feeling you get when you’ve read a book you thought you were going to like but it ended up being SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU EVER EXPECTED? Yeah…that’s the feeling I had when I finished Blood of Heirs. Truth be told that’s the feeling I had while I was reading Blood of Heirs. If you don’t want to read the rest of this review and instead want a short take-away about the book know this; Blood of Heirs is a dark, page turning, coming of age, character driven novel packed with emotion, heart, and pain that never loses sight of hope. If you want to know more then read on…

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Vicious Review


A dark, page turning superhero revenge tale inhabited by morally challenged supernatural characters, brought to life with V. E. Schwab’s quickening prose.

“Victor and Eli started out as college roommates—brilliant, arrogant, lonely boys who recognized the same sharpness and ambition in each other. In their senior year, a shared research interest in adrenaline, near-death experiences, and seemingly supernatural events reveals an intriguing possibility: that under the right conditions, someone could develop extraordinary abilities. But when their thesis moves from the academic to the experimental, things go horribly wrong” – Back Cover Blurb.

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