Rating Scale Update


I’ve really been thinking about how I rate books lately. It’s been gnawing at the back of my mind for a while because I’ve noticed how most of the books I’ve reviewed have been 4 or 5 stars. I think so far on the blog I only have one 3 star review and one 2 star review. If I’d have started the blog a couple of months sooner I’d have a few more three star reviews, but most would still be 4’s and 5’s. It’s the “why” of this that keeps bugging me and the inevitable follow-up questions, of whether I’m being too generous with my reviews and ultimately do I want to keep giving a score?

The other day I came across a Twitter thread where another blogger was discussing her defensiveness after someone commented on one of her reviews saying it was “stupid” that she had so many 4 and 5 star reviews. I chimed into the discussion and it turns out a number of us are in the same boat and their response was much like mine.

The more I think about it the more I realize the following:

I tend to select books I EXPECT to enjoy. I’ve been reading books a long time and have a pretty good idea about what I will like and not like. My intuition isn’t a science, and sometimes I’m wrong, but I can kinda get a feel for a story before I dive into it.

I also select books based on reviews of bloggers I trust. There’s a bunch of book bloggers I follow and as I read more of their reviews I’ve come to realize who has similar tastes and whose reviews I trust. I then tend to buy books based on their recommendations. It doesn’t seem surprising then that if they really like a book I will too.

I go into a book EXPECTING to enjoy it. This is similar to the first point above but slightly different. Anytime I pick up a book I don’t start reading it with a goal of not liking it. My goal is to find enjoyment in the reading. I’m no longer in school where I’m being forced to read for an assignment whether I like it or not. Now I can read whatever I like and when I do I hope I’ll love it. Having that attitude at the outset means I’m a little more positive about the read.

This is supposed to be fun. I’m not a critical reviewer working for a newspaper or other entity and I’m not a scholar where I’m paid to pick a work apart. I’m also not setting out to be mean to an author. The whole point of the blog is to share about books I love. Sometimes I may be asked to review a book I wouldn’t normally select and maybe I won’t like it. Sometimes I’ll make a bad choice on something I buy. In those cases I’ll still share my opinion and let you know I don’t like it. But overall my goal is to spread book joy.

I don’t review everything I read. I read a lot more than I have time to review. At any given moment I’m probably behind on my reviews. It’s quite possible I’ll skip over a book I’d otherwise rate low just because I’d rather share my thoughts about other books I like more. If I had more time in the day/week maybe I’d write up reviews on everything, but that isn’t my reality these days.

So that perhaps explains why most of my reviews have been 4 and 5 stars. But it doesn’t address the other related concern I have about star ratings in general. I don’t really like them. Don’t get me wrong, I understand their purpose, especially on sites like Goodreads and Amazon. But I still have issues with them. Many of you probably feel the same way.  My issues fall into a few categories.

  • What Kind of Scale: This is the problem of figuring out what rating scale you want to use. Most people use a scale between 1 and 5 stars though some use a 10 star scale. Right away there’s a difference with 10 giving room for a little more nuance (see below). But even with the popular 5 star scale pretty much everyone has a different idea of what each each level in the scale means with everyone having their own criteria for what should be awarded 4 or 5 stars for example. In the end there’s now way to compare ratings equally. On a large scale maybe that doesn’t matter for a book that gets hundreds of reviews on Amazon where it really begins to average out…but it still bugs me.
  • Nuance: With any rating scale you sacrifice nuance. By that I mean you may review five books and give them all 4 stars, but there’s nothing to distinguish which one may be better than the others; which one may be closer to a 5 star rating and which closer to a 3 star rating. Looking at my reviews I see clear examples of this. Some of you may say, “well, you could give half star ratings like 3.5 or 4.5, or even go as far as to the nearest tenth like 4.1 star. Yeah you could do that but you then run into other problems like how to determine those sub-grades and then if you want to post them to Amazon or Goodreads you can’t because those sites don’t allow for anything other than 1 through 5.
  • Amazon and Goodreads: These sites (and any others like them) are extremely useful for authors and readers. They help all of us figure out whether a book may be enjoyable or not. At the same time they force a reviewer into their rating systems which we all complain about. Whatever you use for a rating scale has to be worked into their scales. That makes sense, with thousands of people posting to their sites they have to come up with SOME standard scale, but it screws with all of our individual ones.

Since starting the blog I’ve used two basic methods for determining a star rating. I’ve just gone with my gut reaction and general feel, and I’ve used a scoring system which you can read here. The scoring system is based on breaking my review down into five categories, each with subcategories that I give 1 – 5 star ratings. The sub ratings are averaged up and I get an overall score. After using it for a while I realized it was too technical and constrictive. My more recent reviews went away from that system back to my overall general gut feeling.

So here’s what I’m thinking…

I’m thinking I may do away with my star ratings completely. I’m thinking I’ll just write a review and tell you what I loved (or didn’t love) about the book. Anyone reading it will get a pretty good idea whether I absolutely loved it, or just really liked it, or whether I thought it was just OK. But this way I don’t have to make books look equal to others when they aren’t. I’ll figure out something when I post to Amazon and Goodreads because I still want to do that too. But the blog is my primary review site and I can basically do whatever the hell I want here. I’m not 100 percent certain of this yet…I may still throw out some stars…but I’m leaning this way. I may also write shorter reviews, but that is a different post.

What do you think? Comments? Let me know.

23 thoughts on “Rating Scale Update

  1. “I don’t review everything I read.”

    Yeah, that right there means you should throw your whole rating system out. Now that I know that about you, I wouldn’t trust any rating that you put up.
    Oh, that’s not meant to be as harsh as it sounds 🙂

    I know enough people who have thrown out the rating system. I disagree with that, but as I and all good bloggers say, “My blog, my rules” so I fully support you tossing your rating and just doing reviews. I have my own 5star rating system with the half star scale and have it up on my homepage as a link so anyone who’s interested can check it out. I find the rating helpful for determining what books I really liked, especially as I have about 18 years worth of data. I didn’t start rating until ’04 or ’05, so those years are really hard to choose something from without reading every single review. That isn’t going to happen so I tend to just not look over them.

    Crossposting to GR and Amazon is something I don’t do, so I have nothing to say that could be helpful. Except that I was under the impression that you HAD to rate something on Amazon. And if you’re going to rate it there, why not here?

    Whatever you end up doing, have a good plan ahead of time to minimize any unforeseen consequences.

    On the positive side of things, I’m all for shorter reviews. My reviews tend to be only 500 to 600 words and half of that is the synopsis 🙂 Ok, enough rambling from me. Good luck!

    Liked by 2 people

      • How much do you review on amazon? Do you do enough, or little enough, that it is easy to drop it? Honestly, if it was just your blog, I’d say dorp it like a hot potato. So it really depends on the why’s and wherefores of the other places.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I have trouble with star ratings at times because the stars mean something slightly different to me than to someone else. A three star to me is still a book I enjoy. There are also times when my feelings on a book change given time.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I wrote Amazon reviews for years before I started my blog. I calibrated the ratings on my Amazon reviews toward norms at Amazon. My average star rating at Amazon sits at 4.03 right now, I think. I am okay with that. Most books are enjoyable and worth at least three stars. Below three stars is should-not-have-been-published territory for me.

    I didn’t post star ratings when I started the blog at first. But I realized that my reviews often didn’t accurately communicate how I felt about a book. I could add more words to every review…or I could add one number that communicates a lot.

    I did wind up adding half star ratings (e.g., 4.5 stars, 3.5 stars). I just drop the half star when I cross post to Amazon and Goodreads.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post! Tbh this has been gnawing at me for a while now too. I am yet to decide what to do myself..

    I believe that you could go without a star rating on your review posts since the reader would get the feel from what you have written in your review.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I personally like to see some kind of star or number rating when I read a review, it gives me an immediate “this blogger loved/hated/felt “meh” about this book” identifier. But I know plenty of bloggers who don’t use ratings, and that’s OK too. Sometimes it’s really hard for me to decide on a rating, especially when I don’t really like the book. But I do review every book I read, basically because 99% of the books I read are reviews for publishers, so I feel I have to review them. But I also like the idea of only reviewing books you enjoyed, I love that positive vibe! And I use half stars, even though GR and Amazon don’t. I have to decide whether to round up or down on those sites, but it’s worth it for me to have more flexibility in my rating system. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I did away with star ratings on my blog for basically the same reasons. My reviews are enough to tell whether I liked it and why, or why not. I might give something 4 stars cuz it’s cheesy and enjoyable, or cuz it’s dark and emotional. I want people to read my review to find out what I think (I mean, that’s why I spend time writing them!) Not just look to a number. I do keep the rating scale on my about page for when I give stars on Amazon or some such. But I find it’s much easier to review without.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Another thought I’ve had is to not announce it at the beginning or in the header/ad banner but put the rating at the very bottom so they don’t see it till they read to the bottom. But they could just skip down too.


  7. Gosh, YES. The majority of my books are five star ratings on Goodreads, honestly, and then I’ll feel self-conscious for giving so many of those ratings, but the reasons I do, you nailed head-on, here. The books I choose to read (or request to read, not received for review or requested to review), nine times out of ten, are books that I am pretty damn positive I know I’m going to love, because I know what I love as a reader. And if I really fell in love with it, why would I rate it less, even if there is that reputation that a five star rating “should be” coveted and rare?

    Personally, I never give stars on my blog (the only time I have is with SPFBO), only on Goodreads, because you’re right. A person can generally figure out how I feel about a book based on what I wrote about, how much I’m cursing/how coherent I am/if I’m just squeeing the entire time with emotion. 😛 I think, if that system is something you’re interested in trying, go for it! Because you’re right: this is YOUR corner of the internet and you deserve the freedom to create it how you want.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I started without Star ratings, but after two years I felt like I was missing something and added a 5-star system including half stars. I like it and I like the fact that readers of my blog can now click on the one star symbol and read my rants from ages ago 😀 or see my favourite 5-star books all neatly together.

    I’d think about it and maybe trial it without rating. If it feels right to you, keep it. If you miss it, you can make up the system that fits you best. I don’t know how important goodreads/amazon reviews are to you. Might have to make a compromise for that.

    I only post on my blog so I don’t really have the problem.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Update: 12/5/18 | Off The TBR

  10. Pingback: Rating Scale Update II | Off The TBR

  11. Pingback: 2019 Reading And Blogging Goals III | Off The TBR

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